On two specimens of fossil wood with adhering bark from the Nûgssuaq Peninsula


  • F.J Mathiesen




An important part of the paleontological material collected by the "Danish Nûgssuaq Expeditions" under the leadership of A. Rosenkrantz consists of very extensive collections of fossil wood. The greater part of the samples brought home are distinguished by a very good, in some case an excellent state of preservation which has made it possible to obtain from them slides of a unique quality. While previous finds of fossil wood from the artic have been mostly of a casual nature, the samples collected as erratics, the greater part of the material gathered in 1938 and 1939 has been taken either from strata of known geological age or at least found in the screes originating from such strata.




How to Cite

Mathiesen, F. (1961). On two specimens of fossil wood with adhering bark from the Nûgssuaq Peninsula. Bulletin Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 30, 1–54. https://doi.org/10.34194/bullggu.v30.6564