The Geology and Bottom Deposits of Lake Tystrup Sø, Zealand


  • Kaj Hansen



While there is an abundant literature on the sediments of Swedish, German and North American lakes, the bottom deposits of Danish lakes are nearly terra incognita. In spite of the paper on Lake Marl, Lake Ores and Lake Gytje published in 1901 by Wesenberg Lund a more systematic investigation has long been needed. In 1942 I therefore began an investigation of the sediments in Lake Tystrup Sø, Zealand (Sjælland), in co-operation with the Laboratory for Fresh Water Biology of the University of Copenhagen, and using the laboratory's annex in Suserup woods as a base. It is my aim to continue such investigations in other Danish lakes. It is my pleasant duty to thank the Director of the Laboratory for Fresh Water Biology, Prof. Kai Berg for that friendship which he has shown me during the investigation, both in the laboratory in Hillerød, and in Suserup. I also thank the Geological Survey of Denmark because it has agreed to include this paper in its publications, and lastly I thank the Carlsberg Fond who have subsidized the publication.




How to Cite

Hansen, K. (1950). The Geology and Bottom Deposits of Lake Tystrup Sø, Zealand. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse II. Række, 76, 1–52.