Middle and Late Weichselian marine deposits at Nørre Lyngby, northern Jutland, Denmark, and their foraminiferal faunas


  • Karen Luise Knudsen




The marine Weichselian deposits at Nørre Lyngby are subdivided into four assemblage zones based on the content of benthonic foraminifera.

The lowermost zone, the Bulimina marginata-Buccella frigida zone, is correlated with the upper part of the Older Yoldia Clay of Yendsyssel and inferred to be of Middle Weichselian interstadial age.

The Elphidium subarcticum zone is correlated with the Lower Saxicava Sand and the Elphidium excavatum zone with the Younger Yoldia Clay of Vendsyssel. The E. subarcticum zone is found to be a sandy facies within the lower part of the E. excavatum zone at Nørre Lyngby. The foraminiferal faunas of these two zones indicate mainly artic climatic conditions. Radiocarbon dates show that the E. subarcticum zone and also a major part of the E. excavatum zone belong to late Middle Weichselian.

The uppermost zone, the Elphidium albiumbilicatum zone, is correlated with the Upper Saxicava Sand. The foraminiferal faunas in this zone seem to indicate an amelioration in climate, and the deposit might be present the Late Weichselian Bølling interstadial.




How to Cite

Knudsen, K. L. (1978). Middle and Late Weichselian marine deposits at Nørre Lyngby, northern Jutland, Denmark, and their foraminiferal faunas. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse II. Række, 112, 1–44. https://doi.org/10.34194/raekke2.v112.6903