Geoelektrisk Kortlægning af Limfjordsengene ved Vester Hasing


  • Birthe Dinesen



The present publication deals with a combined geoelectrical and geohydrological survey in the Limfjord area east of Aalborg, Denmark.

The geology and hydrology of the area is described. The area is characterized by its variety of the geohydrological conditions. The sediments are mainly of Quaternary age. The ground water comprise both fresh and saline waters, the salinity being due to salt water intrusion from the Limfjord, and probably occurrences of connate water of Pleistocene and Holocene age.

Some general conclusions concerning resistivity of the clay and sand deposits are drawn on the basis of determinations of salinity and conductivity of suspensions of rock samples from drilled wells and of solutions corresponding to some of the water analyses.

Finally the geoelectrical field measurements are discussed and compared with the laboratory results.




How to Cite

Dinesen, B. (1962). Geoelektrisk Kortlægning af Limfjordsengene ved Vester Hasing. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse III. Række, 35, 1–63.