A Contribution to the Analysis of Recovery Data for the Determination of the HydrauIic Properties of an Aquifer


  • Zvonimir Haman
  • Lars Jørgen Andersen




The purpose of this paper is to present a more reliable calculation of hydraulic properties (T) and (S) utilizing recovery data instead of residual drawdown data. A useful formula for the computation of the recovery from the extrapolated drawdown is recommended. Practical data for this paper has been obtained from a pumping test in an artesian aquifer at Hvinningdal, Silkeborg, Denmark. The calculations are made by means of the nonequilibrium formulas of Theis and Jacob. In addition, the paper provides procedure and examples of adjustments of water-level data for barometric efficiency.




How to Cite

Haman, Z., & Andersen, L. J. (1970). A Contribution to the Analysis of Recovery Data for the Determination of the HydrauIic Properties of an Aquifer. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse III. Række, 37, 1–24. https://doi.org/10.34194/raekke3.v37.6942