Geological aspects of the Danish North Sea sector. With a report on the wells Dansk Nordsø E-1, E-2, F-1, G-1, H-1, I-1, J-1 and K-1


  • Leif Banke Rasmussen



This paper presents lithological and chronostratigraphical descriptions of geological sections from the following eight Danish North Sea wells: Dansk Nordsø E-1, E-2, F-1, G-1, H-1, 1-1, J-1, and K-1, in which deposits of Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary age were found. The chronostratigraphy of the well sections is mainly a result of micropalaeontological examination of samples.

The paper gives additional comments on the structural conditions of the Danish North Sea sector with reference to an outline map, and to a number of cross sections through the southern part of the Danish portion of the Central Graben. Some regional structures are given new names.




How to Cite

Rasmussen, L. B. (1978). Geological aspects of the Danish North Sea sector. With a report on the wells Dansk Nordsø E-1, E-2, F-1, G-1, H-1, I-1, J-1 and K-1. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse III. Række, 44, 1–85.