Studies on the Bryozoan Species Coscinopleura elegans and Coscinopleura angusta n. sp. from the Senonian and Danian Deposits of Denmark


  • Ole Berthelsen



The following is an attempt to employ the Bryozoa in the stratigraphy of the Danish Cretaceous system.

Authors who have previously occupied themselves with the Bryozoa in the Danish chalk have treated them from zoological and palaeontological aspects; in a few papers only are there peripheral remarks of stratigraphical significance.

Below is an account of my studies on the species Coscinopleura elegans (von Hagenow), comprising variations in the width of the colonies in specimens from various limestone and chalk localities, and also an examination of the marginal vibracula and caenozooecia. I have not gone into the question of the structure and placing of zooecia and ooecia, these cells having been described by several authors, especially Beissel (1865), Marsson (1888), Canu (1913) and Canu & Bassler (1920).




How to Cite

Berthelsen, O. (1948). Studies on the Bryozoan Species Coscinopleura elegans and Coscinopleura angusta n. sp. from the Senonian and Danian Deposits of Denmark. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse IV. Række, 3(3), 1–15.