Field mapping in the inner part of the Scoresby Sund area, East Greenland


  • N Henriksen



A five year systematic field mapping programme in the Scoresby Sund area of East Greenland between 70°N and 72°N was begun in the summer of 1968. The expedition was based on the 1200 tons polar vessel "Martin Karlsen" which carried 2 Bell helicopters (chartered from Heliswiss, Berne) and supported a few small boats. 31 expedition members and a boat crew of 20 persons participated in the expedition which lasted approx. 2 months. The expedition members included 12 two-man geological parties of which 7 mapped in the crystalline complex in inner Nordvestfjord and on Bjørneøer, 3 in the upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments of northern Jameson Land (see T. Birkelund and K. Perch-Nielsen, this report), one party mapped Tertiary basalts (see W. S. Watt, this report) and one made glaciological investigations of glaciers in the Nordvestfjord area (see O. B. Olesen and N. Reeh, this report). Approximately 8000 km2 were mapped on a scale of 1:50 000 around inner Nordvestfjord, west of Nordbugten.




How to Cite

Henriksen, N. (1969). Field mapping in the inner part of the Scoresby Sund area, East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 19, 50–53.