Preliminary report on the geology of Bjørneøer, Scoresby Sund


  • F. Kalsbeek



The Bjørneøer in Scoresby Sund consist almost entirely of migmatites and granites. Locally well preserved metasedimentary rocks also occur (well bedded paragneisses, quartzites, marbles, mica schists). Three generations of granite ean be discerned. Migmatitic granites were generated during a long time span. Basic, intermediate and acid intrusive rocks occur both as larger bodies and as dykes, and were emplaced synand late-migmatitically. Younger granites postdate the migmatisation. There have probably been at least two phases of folding. The foliation and local isoclinal folds were formed before the migmatisation under low pressure granulite facies conditions (characteristic minerals are cordierite and hypersthene). Migmatisation took place under granulite facies and amphibolite facies conditions. Large faults have not been found, but young crush zones are common. No indications of mineralisation were observed.




How to Cite

Kalsbeek, F. (1969). Preliminary report on the geology of Bjørneøer, Scoresby Sund. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 26, 1–33.