Quaternary deposits between the Sukkertoppen ice cap and Nordre Strømfjord


  • A Weidick
  • N.W Ten Brink




The area investigated during 1969 is located approximate1y between 66° 10' and 67° 30' N, and 50° and 52° W, the eastem half of the West Greenland ice-free land area transected by Søndre Strømfjord. The principal objectives of the work were to map and describe the glacial and emerged marine deposits for a Quatemary map at 1:500 000 scale, and to collect material for establishing a radiometric chronology of former ice-margin positions and sea levels. In order to study as large an area as possible, the investigations north of Søndre Strømfjord and Sondrestrom Airbase were conducted by A. Weidick, the area south of this by N. W. Ten Brink.




How to Cite

Weidick, A., & Ten Brink, N. (1970). Quaternary deposits between the Sukkertoppen ice cap and Nordre Strømfjord. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 28, 23–25. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v28.7227