Routine K/Ar age determinations on rocks from Greenland carried out for GGU in 1970


  • D Bridgwater



The programme of commercial age determinations started in 1969 (Bridgwater, 1970) was continued to supplement the work carried out by the University of Copenhagen (Larsen, this report). The material dated represents a rather heterogeneous collection of rocks from many parts of Greenland about which information was required for current geological work but which were not included in existing age determination projects. All the results obtained are listed whether or not the "ages", have a clear geological significance, since a major reason for carrying out this form of reconnaissance survey is to test the suitability of K/Ar methods for making more detailed studies. Full analytical data is available on request from GGU. Unless otherwise stated the results given are means of three determinations.




How to Cite

Bridgwater, D. (1971). Routine K/Ar age determinations on rocks from Greenland carried out for GGU in 1970. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 35, 52–60.