Preliminary account of the mapping of the Mesozoic formations of south-east Jameson Land


  • F Surlyk
  • R.G Bromley
  • U Asgaard
  • K.R Pedersen



In the 1970 field season, the programme of mapping Jameson Land (Birkelund & Perch-Nielsen, 1969; Bromley et al., 1970) was continued with·a study of the Hurry Fjord region and the area between Mønselv and Raukelv on the south coast (fig. 6). The geology of the west coast of Hurry Fjord has been studied previously by Hartz (1896), Harris (1926, 1937), Rosenkrantz (1934) and Aldinger (1935), and certain parts of the succession are known in detail. During the 1970 field season, however, special study was made of the phytopalaeontology of the Kap Stewart Formation (K.R.P.), the ichnology of the Neill Klinter Formation (R.G.B. & U.A.) and the stratigraphy of the Kap Biot Formation and the beds overlying the Neill Klinter Formation (F.S.). These special studies will be published later. A full report of the mapping must wait until a more detailed topographic map is available for the publication of the geological map.




How to Cite

Surlyk, F., Bromley, R., Asgaard, U., & Pedersen, K. (1971). Preliminary account of the mapping of the Mesozoic formations of south-east Jameson Land. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 37, 24–32.