Preliminary report of the mapping of the basalts of parts of Milne Land and Gåseland


  • W.S Watt
  • M Watt



In the summer of 1970 field work on the Tertiary basalts was concentrated in the southem part of Milne Land and in the inner part of Gåseland based on three camps in each of these areas (fig. 8). The work was a direct continuation of the investigations from the two previous years (Watt, 1969 & 1970) and included part of the area aiready visited by Wenk (Wenk, 1961). Due to a late start of the season only 13 sections were traversed distributed with 9 on Milne Land and 4 on Gåseland. From each camp one or more basalt sections were examined in detail and in addition a couple of rapid traverses were made during helicopter reconnaissance. Particular emphasis was placed on attempts to correlate the different basalt sections.




How to Cite

Watt, W., & Watt, M. (1971). Preliminary report of the mapping of the basalts of parts of Milne Land and Gåseland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 37, 42–50.