Holocene shore-lines and glacial stages in Greenland - an attempt at correlation


  • A Weidick




Post-Wisconsinian uplift of West, North and East Greenland has been estimated on the basis of information in current literature and compared to the data collected by the author in central West Greenland. For West and North Greenland the dated uplift allows an estimate to be made of the age of former shore-lines, which in turn have been used to date the stages of the extent of the Inland lce. The results have been compared with published information on the age of glacial stages in East Greenland. The estimated ages of the ice margin stages imply a history of deglaciation in West (and North?) Greenland comparable to that of North America. In both areas the major deglaciation took place after the Younger Dryas and a marked halt took place in Boreal times. It is possibie that the history of East Greenland is more closely related to that of Scandinavia where a widespread deglaciation took place prior to the Younger Dryas. The deglaciation of North Greenland was interrupted by a marked readvance or readvances during the climatic optimum. It is possible that the northward shift of the low pressure centres during this period led to an increased accumulation on the northern part of the Inland lce.




How to Cite

Weidick, A. (1972). Holocene shore-lines and glacial stages in Greenland - an attempt at correlation. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 41, 1–39. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v41.7281