The possibility of ilmenite placers in the Thule district, North Greenland


  • M Ghisler
  • B Thomsen



The mineralogical composition of the heavy fractions of 19 sand samples from the Thule district reflect the local bedrock geology, which ranges from sedimentary rocks (Thule Group, probably Proterozoic) over different types of gneisses to intermediate and basic intrusives (probably belonging to the basement). One sample, taken from a 1 m thick black sand layer, contains 60-70 weight % of pure ilmenite, the source rocks of which are regarded as diabases intruding the Dundas Formation (Thule Group) in the area immediately to the east. lImenite placers may occur in the raised beaches reaching 125 feet above the present sea level, and also the possibility af offshore deposits should be taken into consideration. Thc climate and access to the area are briefly discussed.




How to Cite

Ghisler, M., & Thomsen, B. (1971). The possibility of ilmenite placers in the Thule district, North Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 43, 1–15.