The geology of southern Jameson Land


  • F Surlyk
  • T Birkelund



In 1971 the mapping of southem Jameson Land was completed by four field parties (comprising the authors, K. Birkenmajer, J. H. Callomon, R. G. Bromley, Ulla Asgaard, Lise Alkærsig, B. Buchardt Larsen and S. R. Larsen). The work was a direct continuation of mapping along Hurry Inlet in 1970 (see Surlyk et al., 1971). The Hurry InIet area was the only part of southern Jameson Land well known from earlier investigations. Thus, Rosenkrantz (1929, 1934), Spath (1932), Harris (1937) and Callomon (1961) described the different parts of the sequence exposed in Neill Klinter, while Lower Cretaceous occurrences in south Jameson Land were known from the works of Aldinger (1935) and Spath (1947). The Triassic deposits, underlying the Kap Stewart Formation and referred to the Klitdal Formation by Rosenkrantz (1929), were investigated in detail by K. Birkenmajer during the 1971 season and compared to the lithological units of Scoresby Land. The results are given by Perch-Nielsen et al. (this report) and are therefore not dealt with here.




How to Cite

Surlyk, F., & Birkelund, T. (1972). The geology of southern Jameson Land. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 48, 61–74.