Preliminary report on the basalts of Volquart Boons Kyst, East Greenland


  • W.S Watt
  • C.H Emeleus
  • M Watt



The area between Helgenæs and Kap Brewster, a total of approximately 2000 km2 (north of 700 N) was mapped systematically by two parties, and selected reconnaissance traverses were made in adjacent areas south of 70° in order to obtain a clearer picture of the regional structure. The northem part of the area consists of almost vertical, north-facing cliffs rising to over 1000 m stretching for 120 km interrupted by hanging glaciers. In the east these cliffs drop to about 300 m at Kap Brewster and to low cliffs and beaches on the south-east coast of Savoia Halvø. The zone of hanging glaciers presented a particular problem since they hide the exposure at a fairly constant level from about 1000 to 1200 m (plateau level) making traversing and correlation possibilities at this height very limited. Inland the area is covered by the ice cap from which nunataks rise to 2000 m.




How to Cite

Watt, W., Emeleus, C., & Watt, M. (1972). Preliminary report on the basalts of Volquart Boons Kyst, East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 48, 75–83.