Preliminary results of magnetic investigations in the Scoresby Sund region


  • T Bidstrup



A magnetic survey comprising both terrestrial and ship-borne work was carried out during the summer 1971 in three phases. During the first phase magnetic profiles were established across the central parts of the Mesozoic sedimentary Jameson Land basin and the bordering Caledonian crystalline complexes. The aim of these investigations was to obtain a geophysical evaluation of the thickness of the sediments and to investigate the contact relations between the crystalline and the sedimentary rocks. The second phase comprised ship-borne investigations along several profile lines across Hall Bredning and Scoresby Sund in order to determine the southern extension of the Mesozoic sediments and their relation to the Tertiary basalts in the south. The westwards extension of the sediments and their boundary relations to the crystalline rocks were investigated in the northern part of Hall Bredning. The third phase made up only a minor part of the programme. This aimed at identifying the possibIe existence of a few Tertiary volcanic units in Fønfjord predicted from investigations of the surrounding basalts. Jens Spaabæk, who participated in both field and laboratory investigations, is acknowledged for his great share of the work.




How to Cite

Bidstrup, T. (1972). Preliminary results of magnetic investigations in the Scoresby Sund region. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 48, 99–104.