The geology of the Fiskenæsset region


  • F Kalsbeek
  • J.S Myers



In 1955 Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse (The Geological Survey of Greenland, GGU) started the systematic mapping of the west coast of Greenland. Up to 1963 the work was concentrated in the southernmost part of Greenland, around Nanortalik:, Julianehåb and Ivigtut, from 1958 to 1963 from a base camp, 'Dyrnæs' near Narssaq. In 1964 the base camp was moved northwards to a site near Frederikshåb, 'Mellembygd', and from 1964 to 1968 the region around Frederikshåb was mapped, as far north as Frederikshåbs Isblink. In 1969 the base camp was moved still further north, to 'Midgård', 15 km north-north-east of Fiskenæsset, and in 1970 mapping in the Fiskenæsset Region commenced. Mapping of the area between Frederikshåbs Isblink and Fiskenæsfjorden (an area of about 2500 km2) is now almost finished, and a simplified map is presented on plate 1. This paper attempts to give an outline of the geology of the area.




How to Cite

Kalsbeek, F., & Myers, J. (1973). The geology of the Fiskenæsset region. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 51, 5–18.