The structure and stratigraphy of the anorthosite complex in the area north of Bjørnesund, near Fiskenæsset


  • B.J Walton



Over the area extending about 15 km north of the inner part of Bjørnesund, near Fiskenæsset (fig. 16), numerous conformable layers of anorthositic rocks occur within gneisses. The rocks have been metamorphosed in the amphibolite and granulite facies, and affected by five episodes of folding. Only minor intrafolial and isoclinal folds have been recognised from the early phases (F1 and F2) but major isoclinal folds which were initially recumbent with NE trending axes were produced by F3 folds. These were subsequently refolded by F4 and F5 fold phases which produced major and minor tight to open upright folds with axial planes striking BSE and NE respectively. It is possibie that the anorthosites have been affected by all five episodes of folding, but only F3 to F5 have been recognised in these rocks with certainty.




How to Cite

Walton, B. (1973). The structure and stratigraphy of the anorthosite complex in the area north of Bjørnesund, near Fiskenæsset. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 51, 60–64.