Preliminary results of the mapping in the migmatite complex around Fønfjord and Gåsefjord, Scoresby Sund


  • N Henriksen
  • A.K Higgins



The Geological Survey of Greenland (GGU) carried out in 1972 the fifth summer of systematic mapping in the crystalline complex of the Scoresby Sund region. The region mapped in the southernmost part of the inner fjord zone was an extension of that mapped during the first three summers. The main geological divisions in the region have been outlined by Henriksen & Higgins (1969, 1970, 1971). The crystalline complex in the inner fjord region of Scoresby Sund can be divided into a western gneiss and schist zone and an eastern zone of migmatites and associated plutonic rocks. A major approximately N-S trending, east dipping thrust zone following Rødefjord separates these two units. The western zone is described by Phillips, Stillman, Friderichsen & Jemelin (this report) and this account only deals with the eastern migmatite zone.




How to Cite

Henriksen, N., & Higgins, A. (1973). Preliminary results of the mapping in the migmatite complex around Fønfjord and Gåsefjord, Scoresby Sund. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 58, 7–15.