The uranium deposit at Kvanefjeld, the Ilímaussaq intrusion, South Greenland, Geology, reserves and beneficiation


  • H Sørensen
  • J Rose-Hansen
  • B.L Nielsen
  • L Løvborg
  • E Sørensen
  • T Lundgaard



The uranium-thorium deposit is located in part of an alkaline intrusion consisting of peralkaline, agpaitic nepheline syenites. The radioactive minerals are steenstrupine, uranium-rich monazite, thorite and pigmentary material. The radio-element content varies from 100 to 3000 ppm U and 300 to 15000 ppm Th. Reasonably assured ore in the main area with a grade of 310 ppm is calculated to 5800 metric tons of uranium in 18.6 million metric tons of ore. Estimated additional reserves with a grade of 292 ppm U are 29.4 million tons of ore with 8700 tons of uranium and 3.5 million tons of ore with a grade of 350 ppm yielding 1200 tons of uranium. Estimates of amounts of thorium ore are 2.6 times those of uranium. A method of recovery of the uranium based on sulphating roasting and subsequent leaching with water is described.




How to Cite

Sørensen, H., Rose-Hansen, J., Nielsen, B., Løvborg, L., Sørensen, E., & Lundgaard, T. (1974). The uranium deposit at Kvanefjeld, the Ilímaussaq intrusion, South Greenland, Geology, reserves and beneficiation. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 60, 1–54.