Late Silurian and early Devonian graptolites from North Greenland


  • W.B.N Berry
  • A.J Boucot
  • P.R Dawes
  • J.S Peel



The precise age of the youngest part of the geosynclinal fill of the North Greenland fold belt has been the subject of important discussion, particularly with regard to the problem of dating the Palaeozoic diastrophism (Kerr, 1967; Dawes, 1971). Since Lauge Koch's field work between 1916 and 1923 it has been known that strata bearing Monograptus priodon were involved in the folding (Koch, 1920), indicating the presence of Silurian of Llandovery-Wenlock age. In addition, Poulsen (1934) identified Cyrtograptus cf. C. multiramus and Monograptus bohemicus in collections made by Koch from unfolded shales on the platform, to the south of the fold belt, which demonstrated that the section included Wenlock and early Ludlow strata.




How to Cite

Berry, W., Boucot, A., Dawes, P., & Peel, J. (1974). Late Silurian and early Devonian graptolites from North Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 65, 11–13.