Geological and geophysical work between 69°N and 72°N, central West Greenland


  • E.J Schiener



In continuation of the programme of geological and geophysical work on the Cretaceous-Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks initiated in 1971 (Henderson, 1972, 1973; GGU, 1973) four groups operated in the area. Three geologists, three geophysicists, one civil engineer and three assistants formed the core of the various groups. Greenland helpers were employed for shorter periods either as boatmen or bearers. Two groups were involved in mapping and detailed sampling of the Tertiary basalts, one on Nugssuaq, the second on Ubekendt Ejland. One group studied sedimentological problems in the Cretaceous-Tertiary rocks throughout the whole of the region. Special photogrammetric control studies were carried out by one person attached to different groups (Dueholm, this report). The geophysical party mainly investigated selected areas from south Nugssuaq to south Svartenhuk Halvø.




How to Cite

Schiener, E. (1974). Geological and geophysical work between 69°N and 72°N, central West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 65, 23–26.