A pillowed sill from the Atanikerdluk area, Nûgssuaq


  • A.K Pedersen




The geology of the Atanikerdluk area, along the south coast of Nugssuaq, has been described in considerable detail by Koch (1955; 1959) and Koch & K. R. Pedersen (1960). In a sequence of Lower Tertiary black carbonaceous shales - the Aussivik: Member of the Upper Atanikerdluk Formation (Koch, 1959) - there are a number of horizontal basaltic layers. Beeause of the apparent laek of eontaet metamorphism it was with some hesitation that Koch (1955, pp. 34-35) originally regarded the layers as sills. Later these layers were regarded, although with hesitation, as a sequenee of lavas, representing the first subaeriallavas to flow into the Atanikerdluk area (Koch, 1959; Koch & K. R. Pedersen, 1960).




How to Cite

Pedersen, A. (1975). A pillowed sill from the Atanikerdluk area, Nûgssuaq. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 69, 33–34. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v69.7409