Review of the Survey's activities in 1974


  • K Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen



The Geological Survey of Greenland (GGU) continued activities during 1974 in accordance with its role as the official government department of the Ministry for Greenland responsibie for all practicai and scientific aspects of geological investigation. A total of 121 people travelled to Greenland in connection with a variety of geological, geophysical, glaciological and hydrogeological projects in 12 areas (fig. 2). Interest in the mineral and hydrocarbon potential of Greenland gained new impetus during 1974 as a result of the general energy crisis. GGU has continued to advise the Ministry on marters concerning concession rights for exploration and extraction of mineral and hydrocarbon resources and, together with the geological institutes of the University of Copenhagen, supported the initiative taken by the Danish Natural Science Research Foundation (Statens Naturvidenskabelige Forskningsråd) with respect to new investigations in Greenland related to economic potential. Interest in the hydrocarbon potential of the West Greenland shelf culminated during 1974 with the Ministry of Greenland inviting applications for concessions in three areas. By the closing date 22 formal applications were received. Details concerning the allocation of concession areas were announced in April 1975. Recent developments in this field in which GGU has advised the Ministry are summarised by Henderson (this report).




How to Cite

Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen, K. (1975). Review of the Survey’s activities in 1974. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 75, 7–12.