Geological and geophysical investigations between 69°N and 72°N, central West Greenland


  • E.J Schiener
  • G Henderson



The mapping programme initiated in 1971 (Henderson, 1972, 1973; GGU, 1973) was continued and extended to inland areas on Nûgssuaq, Disko and Svartenhuk Halvø. The sampling programme, designed for geochemical, sedimentological and palynological studies of the Nûgssuaq embayment (Schiener, 1974) was intensified, with concentration on the south coast and on parts of the north coast of Nugssuaq. Sampling for palaeomagnetic studies on dykes and dyke swarms in the Precambrian basement and a detailed investigation of sulphide mineralisation in Tertiary intrusives on Disko was undertaken as a special project. In the spring a grid of magnetic and gravimetric stations was established on the sea-ice between Umanak Fjord and Karrats Isfjord, concentrating on the Igdlorssuit Sund area, with support from local Greenlanders. A total of seven two-man groups were involved in the investigations during the summer season from the middle of June to early September. Logistically these parties were to some extent dependent on locally hired transport: however, the GGU ship K. J. V. Steenstrup with Andreas Vmstein as skipper provided the backbone of logistics and communications. Transport inland was facilitated by six 'all-terrain' motor-cycles.




How to Cite

Schiener, E., & Henderson, G. (1975). Geological and geophysical investigations between 69°N and 72°N, central West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 75, 43–45.