The Kap Parry complex, central East Greenland


  • J Engell



The Kap Parry complex belongs to the NE-SW trending zone of subvolcanic centres extending from the Werner Bjerge massif (72° N) to Kap Broer Ruys (73°31'N) in East Greenland. The existence of the Kap Parry complex (fig. 26) has been known since the beginning of the last century. A map and a short description is given by Schaub (1942). It is a semicircular subvolcanic complex about 11 km in diameter, partly covered by the sea to the east and south. The rock types involved are, listed in the order of formation, acid volcanic breccias, alkaline quartz-syenite and at least two generations of alkali granite. The whole complex is cut by a suite of alkaline acid dykes and dolerites. The complex is younger than the numerous dolerite sills intruded into the surrounding shaly sequence of presumed Cretaceous sediments; no traces of macrofossils were found. Hydrothermal alteration is widespread in the complex, especially in connection with the alkali granites. Advanced physical weathering makes detailed mapping of especially the southern part of the complex difficult.




How to Cite

Engell, J. (1975). The Kap Parry complex, central East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 75, 103–106.