1:500 000 mapping of the Thule district, North-West Greenland


  • P.R Dawes




Field investigations aimed at the produetion of a 1:500 000 map sheet of the Thule distriet were continued during August and early September. The unusuaIly poor weather conditions and the premature arrival of the winter's snowfall, reduced the season to some 20 effective working days. The field work was in two parts. At the beginning of the season a Jet Ranger helicopterwas chartered at Thule Air Base and four days were spent investigating nunatak and inland areas north of Savigsivik and Kap York and at the heads of Wolstenholme Fjord, Olrik Fjord and Inglefield Bredning. The second part was an investigation ofthe Proterozoic Thule Groupon Herbert ø, Northumberland Ø and Hakluyt Ø. Transport for this phase wasa locally hired boat from Avatak Henson of Moriussaq. Certain logistic support was supplied to H. R. Cooke who visited the Thule district at the end of the field season to assess the economic potential of various minerallocalities. Kurt Thomsen ably assisted both in Cooke's and the author's field programmes.




How to Cite

Dawes, P. (1976). 1:500 000 mapping of the Thule district, North-West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 80, 23–28. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v80.7477