Physiographic and geological mapping of the sea-floor off West Greenland


  • M.M Roksandic



Part of the continental shelf off West Greenland between 61° and 64°N was mapped in 1975. For this, data were drawn from three main sources. (1) Newly published bathymetric maps covering offshore West Greenland from 59°N to 69°30'N, with 10 m contour interval (Henderson, 1975) give a detailed picture of the sea-floor. (2) The original echograms recorded by the Royal Danish Hydrographic Office give a more detailed picture ofthe relief along selected lines than can be obtained from (l) as well as giving indications of the nature ofthe sea-floor. Copies of echograms have been obtained from the Hydrographic Office, but the interpretation of these is at an early stage. (3) Some sparkerseisniic profiles acquired in 1970 by Greenland Exploration Management Company, Inc. were studied to allow identification of units immediately below the sea-floor. The author wishes to thank the company for permission to refer in general terms to some of the main results stemming from this interpretation. This brief report comprises general conc!usions based on interpretation of data from all three sources, inc!uding the seismic data.




How to Cite

Roksandic, M. (1976). Physiographic and geological mapping of the sea-floor off West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 80, 31–35.