Geochemical prospecting at Mesters Vig, central East Greenland and at Mârmorilik, central West Greenland


  • H.R Cooke



A prospecting method used in 1975 in Greenland and reported briefly on here measures the total cold extractable amount of seven heavy metals, Zn, Pb, Cu, Co, Ni, Sn and Ag. The primary aim of the method is to discover and outline metal anomalies but not to determine their metal content accurateIy. Once an anomaly is targeted this can be done by more detailed foIlow-up surveys. The two areas chosen to test the suitability of the method to Greenland conditions, were the lead-zinc mining district of Mesters Vig on the east coast and the Sorte Engel (Black Angel) mine at MârmoriIik on the west coast. The traverses run show strong anomalies over kriown veins (figs 37 & 38, AA' & CC'; fig. 39, GG' & HH'), as well as indicatingpreviously unknown mineralisation (fig. 38, BB'; the western anomaly in fig. 39, HH').




How to Cite

Cooke, H. (1976). Geochemical prospecting at Mesters Vig, central East Greenland and at Mârmorilik, central West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 80, 116–120.