Reconnaissance mapping of the northern Blosseville Kyst between Kap Brewster and Kap Dalton, central East Greenland


  • W.S Watt
  • N.J Soper
  • M Watt



The northern part of the Blosseville Kyst between Kap Brewster and Kap Dalton was briefly investigated during a three week boat supported reconnaissance folIowing an aerial interpretation of the coastal structure (Watt, 1975). Most emphasis was laid on sorting out the relationship between the sediments at Kap Dalton and the structural relationship between the underlying and surrounding lava flows. Samples were collected for micropalaeontological studies both from the Kap Dalton sedimentary series and from a number of interbasaltic sediments (Soper & Costa, this report). In addition a series of traverses were made through parts of the basalt succession between Kap Dalton and Steward Ø.




How to Cite

Watt, W., Soper, N., & Watt, M. (1976). Reconnaissance mapping of the northern Blosseville Kyst between Kap Brewster and Kap Dalton, central East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 80, 120–122.