Quaternary geology of the Ivigtut-Nunarssiut region, South-West Greenland


  • M Kelly




In order to provide data for the 1:500000 map sheet (Quaternary geology of Greenland, sheet l) a reconnaissance was made of the Quaternary geology of the Ivigtut and Nunarssuit regions shown on Fig. 16, in conjunction with a gravity survey carried out by D. J. Blunden, University of London. The coverage of the southern area, however, was very scant due to prolonged bad weather and difticult pack ice conditions. In addition the survey of marine limits was extended to the adjacent Frederikshåb and Neria areas to the north. The topography of the area consists ofa rolling plateau descending from about 800 m in the north to less than 300 m in the south, dissected by steep sided fjords and inlets. Notable are the 'coastal mountains' - relatively sharp featured hills standing above the plateau leveion the western ends of peninsulas and offshore islands. Other isolated eminences occur inland up to c. 1200 m.




How to Cite

Kelly, M. (1977). Quaternary geology of the Ivigtut-Nunarssiut region, South-West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 85, 64–67. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v85.7533