Field mapping in the Nagssugtoqidian of South-East Greenland


  • D Bridgwater
  • F.B Davies
  • R.C.O Gill
  • B.E Gorman
  • N Henriksen
  • J Watterson



The 1976 season's work was the first of a reconnaissance mapping programme between 62° 30'N (Tingmiarmiut) and 68° 00'N (Kangerdlugssuaq) as the first stage in producing 1:500000 map sheets of this part ofthe east coast. The work was carried out by a team of six geologists, one geophysicist (G. E. J. Beckmann, see this report) and one field assistant (H. B. Nøhr Hansen) using 5 m inflatable boats from a 80 ton motor cutter (Tycho Brahe). Reconnaissance work was completed from Sermiligaq (64° 54'N) to inner Kangertigtivatsiaq (66° 28'N) (fig. 19). Approximately one week was spent in the region between Sermilik west of Angmagssalik and Sermiligaq to provide a link between the earlier reconnaissance work of Bridgwater & Gormsen (1968) and the Birmingham Vniversity teams who mapped in the Angmagssalik area between 1967 and 1970 (Wrightet al., 1973). North of 66°00'N in Sermilik and 66° 15'N on the outer coast work was prevented by ice which remained impassable until late August. A total of 35 days was available.




How to Cite

Bridgwater, D., Davies, F., Gill, R., Gorman, B., Henriksen, N., & Watterson, J. (1977). Field mapping in the Nagssugtoqidian of South-East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 85, 74–83.