The Tertiary geology of Hold with Hope, northern East Greenland


  • B.G.J Upton
  • C.H Emeleus



The Hold with Hope peninsula, between 73° 25'N and 74°05'N, is one of the major outcrop areas of Tertiary volcanic rocks in the East Greenland coastal area from 70°-76°N. The peninsula measures approximately 75 km (N-S) by 45 km (E-W) and rises to 1509 m in the ice-covered Spaths Plateau. The area is more or less bisected by the major eastward-draining valley of Tobias Dal (fig. 32). The authors spent sixty days in the area from late June to late August, 1976, mapping on the 1:250000 scale. The aims were to establish (a) the lava stratigraphy, (b) the historical evolution ofthe Tertiary volcanic rocks, (c) to extend the reconnaissance mapping of the Lauge Koch expeditions (Koch & Haller, 1971) and (d) to sample as widely as possibie the Tertiary rock formations. In addition, a brief reconnaissance was made to Wollaston Forland (74° 20'N).




How to Cite

Upton, B., & Emeleus, C. (1977). The Tertiary geology of Hold with Hope, northern East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 85, 115–121.