Project Westmar, A shallow marine geophysical survey on the West Greenland continental shelf


  • C.P Brett
  • E.F.K Zarudzki



An extensive shallow geophysical survey has been carried out on the West Greenland continental shelf between 64° and 69°30'N. Preliminary interpretation of the data reveals that between 64° and 67°30'N at least, the entire shelf was glaciated to its western margin during the Pleistocene, the glaciation processes leaving a variable (< 20-200 m thick) cover on the Tertiary sedimentary wedge underlying the shelf. A morphological relationship exists between the degree of sea floor roughness and the types of glaciation forms. The distribution and contacts of the three main shallow bedrock units in the area (Precambrian gneisses, Lower Tertiary volcanics and Tertiary sediments) are delineated. Widespread prograding is observed in sediments along the shelf margin. Extensive iceberg scouring of the sea floor is observed north of 67°30'N reaching a maximum water depth of 340 m.




How to Cite

Brett, C., & Zarudzki, E. (1979). Project Westmar, A shallow marine geophysical survey on the West Greenland continental shelf. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 87, 1–29.