Precambrian–Silurian geology of the G.B. Schley Fjord region, eastern Peary Land, North Greenland


  • R.L Christie
  • J.R Ineson



A structurally complex region of mainly sedimentary rocks lies north-east of the exposures of Silurian flysch in eastern Peary Land, in the vicinity of G. B. Schley Fjord (map l). South-easterly structural and sedimentary trends follow the edge of the flysch belt in a general way, so that older rocks tend to be exposed north-eastwards, towards the coast. An irregular outcrop pattern results, however, principally from numerous major and minor faults that cut the land in virtuaIly all directions. Three and possibly more geological sequences are present: (l) Precambrian rocks, comprising both sedimentary and volcanic types; (2) late Precambrian? to Silurian, beginning with a dolomite formation and ending with flysch sandstone; and (3) late Palaeozoic and younger rocks, forming part of the Wandel Sea Basin which occurs as down-faulted sedimentary outliers in the older terrains. The latter sequence is described by H~kansson, this report. Prior to the present field season, the principal geological investigation of the G. B. Schley Fjord region was that by J. C. Troelsen, a member of the Danish Peary Land Expedition (1947-1950). Troeisen (1956a) established the presence of several of the rock units discussed below. Additional remarks were published by Troelsen (1956b) and Peel, Dawes & Troelsen (1974).




How to Cite

Christie, R., & Ineson, J. (1979). Precambrian–Silurian geology of the G.B. Schley Fjord region, eastern Peary Land, North Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 88, 63–71.