Shallow core hole drilling and sampling for the investigation of organic matter rich shales in 1976, Nûgssuaq, central West Greenland


  • E.J Schiener
  • D Leythaeuser



As a continuation of the special investigations carried out in the Nûgssuaq embayment up to 1975 (Schiener, 1976), a joint field programme between GGU and the Petroleum & Organic Geochemistry Research Group (EOG) of the Nuclear Research Establishment (KFA) Jiilich, West Germany, was embarked upon in 1976. The programme was supported by a grant from the Danish Natural Science Research Council (SNF) and a contribution by KFA/EOG. It constitutes an essential part of a project within the SNF sponsored research in energy related topics (Organic Geochemistry, West Greenland). Overall coordination of the group was handled by E. J. S. who also carried out most of the surface sampling. A drilling party of four was led by D. L. Logistic support was provided by the GGU motor cutter K. J. V. Steenstrup with Andreas ViOstein as skipper and by an Agusta Bell Jet Ranger II, chartered from Greenlandair Charter A/S. The operations were conducted from the old GGU base at Marrait on Nugssuaq.




How to Cite

Schiener, E., & Leythaeuser, D. (1978). Shallow core hole drilling and sampling for the investigation of organic matter rich shales in 1976, Nûgssuaq, central West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 90, 29–32.