Project EASTMAR: a new aeromagnetic survey of the continental shelf of eastern Greenland


  • L Thorning



GGU has been working for some years with plans for investigation of the continental shelf of eastern Greenland. The first detailed suggestion for a systematic, regional aeromagnetic survey of most of the shelf area was worked out by the writer in 1975, and this project has been accepted by the Energy Commission of the Danish Ministry of Commerce as an energy research project to be carried out by GGU in the period from September 1977 to September 1980. The budget amounts to approximately 8.5 mill. kr. over three years, the funds being provided through the Energy Commission. Detailed plans of the project are given in Thorning (1977); this note briefly presents the project as it will be carried out by the Geophysics Section of GGU. The scientific staffinvolved will be H. C. Larsen, employed on a three-year contract financed by the Energy Commission, and the writer as project manager. For some specific purposes consultants will be used.




How to Cite

Thorning, L. (1978). Project EASTMAR: a new aeromagnetic survey of the continental shelf of eastern Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 90, 113–115.