Hydrological basins in West Greenland


  • A Weidick
  • O.B Olesen




The paper contains an evaluation of the freshwater potential of West Greenland, based on the present scattered hydrological and glaciological data. At the same time, a classification of natural basins and glaciers is presented in order to file the future information. The amount of water originating from the coastal areas of West Greenland is approximately 33 km3/year of which 27 km3/year originates from precipitation and only 6 km3 /year from ablation of local glaciers. The Inland lce releases approximately 184 km3/year of water to its western margins. However, approximately 97 km3/year ofthe water from the West Greenland Inland lce is calf ice production. This ealf iee as well as approximately 30 km3/year meltwater in the calf ice producing seetors of the Inland lce must be considered unexploitable and therefore only the remaining 57 km3/year of the total meltwater of the Inland lce ean be expected to be used for general consumption and exploitation. Present plans and locations for future production of hydroelectric energy are summarized and a comparison with the Norwegian conditions illustrates the restrictions imposed by the arctic climate and the remote situation of Greenland for the production of conventional hydroeleetric power. Some of the glaciological problems related to the exploitation of hydroelectric power in Greenland are listed of which one of the more important is the occurrenee of ice-dammed lakes with periodic outbursts. Data on each of the investigated 870 basins are tabulated in the Appendix and their locations are given on the map sheets 1-3. The geographical distribution of hydrological features, areas of basins and their expected discharge are shown in maps on sheet 4.




How to Cite

Weidick, A., & Olesen, O. (1980). Hydrological basins in West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 94, 1–51. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v94.7635