Field work on the Nagssugtoqidian boundary north of Angmagssalik and Tertiary igneous rocks of Kialineq and Kap Gustav Holm, East Greenland


  • J.S Myers
  • H Austrheim
  • R.C.O Gill
  • B.E Gorman
  • D.C Rex



Work was carried out from the 80 ton cutter Tycho Brahe using 16 ft inflatable rubber dinghies between 24th July and 31st August 1978. In addition, the Nagssugtoqidian boundary was mapped westwards from Kangerdlugssuatsiaq to the inland ice cap by Bell 204 helicopter and part of the Kialineq region was mapped from a Piper Navajo aircraft (fig. 28). The Nagssugtoqidian boundary was examined on the north shore of Kangerdlugssuatsiaq and a section through the northem part of the Nagssugtoqidian mobile belt was mapped along the shores of the upper part of Sermilik by rubber dinghy. Part of the Angmagssalik charnockite complex was examined in detail around Angmagssalik and Kap Dan. The Tertiary plutonic centres of Kialineq and Kap Gustav Holm were mapped in detail as well as the coastal dyke swarm in these regions, and samples were collected from all the main plutonic units for petrology and isotope studies.




How to Cite

Myers, J., Austrheim, H., Gill, R., Gorman, B., & Rex, D. (1979). Field work on the Nagssugtoqidian boundary north of Angmagssalik and Tertiary igneous rocks of Kialineq and Kap Gustav Holm, East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 95, 82–85.