The North Greenland fold belt in eastern Johannes V Jensen Land


  • N.J Soper
  • A.K Higgins
  • J.D Friderichsen



This report concerns that part of the North Greenland fold belt in north Peary Land (Johannes V. Jensen Land) which lies east of Polkorridoren (the glacier filled depression between Frigg Fjord and Sands Fjord) and north of the Harder Fjord fault (fig. 40). The rocks forming the fold belt are mainly Lower Palaeozoic quartzites, carbonates, arkoses and shales, which are an extension of the Hazen Trough that stretched through the Queen Elizabeth Islands of Canada and across northern Greenland. Because of the northward increase in deformation and metamorphic grade, it is convenient to subdivide the region into a southerly, less deformed, area in which a stratigraphical sequence ean be established, and a northerly area in which only lithological units can be mapped. The dividing line corresponds to that, north of which, 'way-up' criteria cannot be used owing to the masking of the sedimentation structures by a pervasive schistosity. This line runs approximately from the northern end of Paradisfjeld to Bliss Bugt.




How to Cite

Soper, N., Higgins, A., & Friderichsen, J. (1980). The North Greenland fold belt in eastern Johannes V Jensen Land. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 99, 89–98.