A marine geophysical survey of the East Greenland continental shelf between latitudes 60° and 70°N – Project DANA 79


  • B Larsen




Project DANA 79 is a part of GGU's geophysical investigations of the East Greenland shelf with special reference to the oil and gas potential of the continental margin. The programme also includes a regional aeromagnetic survey called EASTMAR (Larsen & Thorning, this report) and the planned deep seismic investigations (Risum, this report). Project DANA 79 was designed to provide knowledge of the geology of the sea floor and the shallow (0-300 m) subsurface. Special emphasis was put on the delineation of the basement and of the sedimentary basins on the shelf. The project was mainly sponsored as an energy related research programme by the Danish Ministry of Trade, Industry and Shipping, and was also supported by the Danish Natural Science Research Council.




How to Cite

Larsen, B. (1980). A marine geophysical survey of the East Greenland continental shelf between latitudes 60° and 70°N – Project DANA 79. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 100, 94–98. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v100.7708