Fossils from the Paradisfjeld Group, North Greenland fold belt


  • J.S Peel
  • A.K Higgins



Fossils are recorded for the first time from the Paradisfjeld Group of eastern North Greenland. The Paradisfjeld Group consists of a thick sequence (c. 1000 m) of re-deposited carbonates some of which are of turbiditic origin (Hurst & Surlyk, 1980; Soper et al. 1980) occurring near the base of the trough sequence exposed in the North Greenland fold belt. Eleven samples collected in 1969 and 1979 by P. R. Dawes, N. J. Soper, J. D. Friderichsen and A. K. H. on the north side of Frederick E. Hyde Fjord, about 10 km east of Midtkap, were crushed, digested in acetic acid and the dried, sieved residues were density separated in tetrabromoethane.One of the samples, GGU 255639,a calcareous siltstone from the upper part of the sequence, yielded fragmentary phosphatic fossils in the heavy fraction. The scarce fragments include inarticulate brachiopods, curved phosphatic tubes and a broken phosphatic internal mould of a spicule of Chancelloria.




How to Cite

Peel, J., & Higgins, A. (1980). Fossils from the Paradisfjeld Group, North Greenland fold belt. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 101, 28–28.