A new Silurian Hemiarges (Trilobita) from North Greenland and the question of the Polaris Harbour Formation


  • P.D Lane
  • P.R Dawes
  • J.S Peel




Trilobites collected nearly 60 years ago by Lauge Koch at Newmann Bugt, North Greenland, and said to be probably derived from the so-called Polaris Harbour Formation, are described as Hemiarges ethnikos n. sp. Comparisons with Canadian species suggest a possibie Pridoli (Late Silurian) age. The history of the Polaris Harbour Formation is reviewed in the light of the recent publication of a geological map prepared by Koch in 1931 showing the distribution of the formation. However, on account of difficulties concerning the type locality and the supposed lithology, an earlier recommendation that use of the formation name be discontinued is supported.




How to Cite

Lane, P., Dawes, P., & Peel, J. (1980). A new Silurian Hemiarges (Trilobita) from North Greenland and the question of the Polaris Harbour Formation. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 101, 45–53. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v101.7718