Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy around Danmark Fjord, eastern North Greenland


  • J.S Peel
  • J.R Ineson
  • P.D Lane
  • H.A Armstrong




Geologieal fieldwork in the Caledonian foreland of eastern North Greenland commenced during 1979 (Peel, 1980) was continued in 1980 with systematic regional mapping on a 1:100000 photomosaie base of western Kronprins Christian Land, from Centrum Sø in the south to Prins Frederik Øer in the north (fig. 6). Mapping was coneentrated on the essentially autochthonous sequence adjacent to Danmark Fjord, with Hurst & McKerrow (this report) investigating the Caledonian Nappe sequenee further to the east (Map i). In addition to activities in Kronprins Christian Land, short visits were also made to Kap Holbæk and Valdemar Glückstadt Land, on the western side af Danmark Fjord.




How to Cite

Peel, J., Ineson, J., Lane, P., & Armstrong, H. (1981). Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy around Danmark Fjord, eastern North Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 106, 21–27. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v106.7763