The North Greenland fold belt between central Johannes V Jensen Land and eastern Nansen Land


  • A.K Higgins
  • J.D Friderichsen
  • N.J Soper



The part of the North Greenland fold belt mapped in 1980 includes Johannes V. Jensen Land west of Polkorridoren, the group of large islands to the west, and the eastern margin of Nansen Land (Map 2). The rocks forming the fold belt are mainly Lower Palaeozoic turbiditic sediments, deposited in an E-W trending trough which is an extension of the Hazen trough of northern Ellesmere Island, Canada. Observations on the stratigraphy, structure and metamorphism of the fold belt are given in this report. Brief descriptions of the E-W trending Harder Fjord fault zone, the Kap Cannon thrust zone, and important swarms of basic dykes are also included. A geological map covering the parts of the North Greenland fold belt mapped in both 1979 and 1980 is found in the back of this report (Map 2), and indudes all the place names mentioned in the text.




How to Cite

Higgins, A., Friderichsen, J., & Soper, N. (1981). The North Greenland fold belt between central Johannes V Jensen Land and eastern Nansen Land. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 106, 35–45.