Preliminary Rb-Sr age determinations from the North Greenland fold belt, Johannes V Jensen Land, with comments on the metamorphic grade


  • N Springer



This report presents the first Rb-Sr age determinations obtained on low-grade metasediments within the eastern part of the North Greenland fold belt. Samples were collected during the 1979 field mapping in eastem Johannes V. Jensen Land, the results ofwhich have been published elsewhere (Soper et al., 1980). Material selected for this study was taken from moderately folded rocks of the Polkorridoren Group and from the northem part of the fold belt where deformation is intense and sedimentary structures are rarely preserved (fig. 23). The principles and methods of isotopic dating of sedimentary rocks applied in this study have been treated in a recent paper by Clauer (1979).




How to Cite

Springer, N. (1981). Preliminary Rb-Sr age determinations from the North Greenland fold belt, Johannes V Jensen Land, with comments on the metamorphic grade. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 106, 77–84.