Lithostratigraphic framework of the Upper Proterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic deep water c1astic deposits of North Greenland


  • J.D Friderichsen
  • A.K Higgins
  • J.M Hurst
  • S.A.S Pedersen
  • N.J Soper
  • F Surlyk



The deep water clastic and subordinate carbonate sediments of the Franklinian Basin of North Greenland are assigned to 6 lithostratigraphic groups. The lowest, Skagen Group (new), consists of structureless quartzitic sandstones and phyllitic mudstones of ?late Precambrian to Cambrian age. The folIowing Paradisfjeld Group (revised) is dominated by lime mudstones and is probably of Cambrian age. Redeposited limestone conglomerates characterise thc top parts of thc group. Thc subscqucnt Polkorridoren Group (revised) consists of thick sandstone turbidite and mudstone units of Cambrian age. The overlying Vølvedal Group (new) consists of cherts, mudstones, turbiditic sandstones and resedimented chert and carbonate conglomerates and is of Cambrian to earliest Ordovician age. The folIowing Amundsen Land Group (new) is dominated by cherts and mudstones with resedimented limestone conglomerates, and is of early Ordovician to early Silurian age. The youngest, Peary Land Group, is dominated by turbiditic sandstones and mudstones and ranges in age from earliest Silurian to possibly earliest Devonian. The 'Sydgletscher Group' is disbanded: the component parts are placed in the Polkorridoren Group, Vølvedal Group, Amundsen Land Group and Peary Land Group.




How to Cite

Friderichsen, J., Higgins, A., Hurst, J., Pedersen, S., Soper, N., & Surlyk, F. (1982). Lithostratigraphic framework of the Upper Proterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic deep water c1astic deposits of North Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 107, 1–20.