Reconnaissance mapping of the Precambrian rocks between Uivaq (63°03'N) and Bernstorffs Isfjord (63°38'N), South-East Greenland


  • J.C Escher
  • T.F.D Nielsen



A programme for the mapping of the Archaean and Nagssugtoqidian rocks between 62°30' and 67°00' on the south-east coast of Greenland was initiated in August 1981(fig. 25). The aim of the programme is the production of a 1:500 000 geological map sheet (sheet no. 14) covering the Tingmiarmiut-AngmagssaIik region. Due to the late retreat of the pack ice in South-West and South-East Greenland in 1981, the field season was limited to 17 working days. Logistic support for the two mapping parties was provided by two inflatable dingies with outboard motors and by the GGU motor cutter K. J. V. Steenstrup. This summer's investigations only covered the areas accessibIe from the fjords, but at a later stage of the programme it is planned to visit the more remote inland areas by helicopter. There has been little previous geological investigation of the region. R. Bøgvad sailed along the coast in 1932 during the seventh Thule expedition and reconnaissance mapping for the 1:2500000 tectonic geological map of Greenland (Escher, 1970) was carried out by D. Bridgwater and K. Gormsen during the summers of 1967 and 1968 (Bridgwater & Gormsen, 1968, 1969). Bridgwater kindly placed all available data collected during these two expeditions at our disposal. Although no radiometric measurements have yet been made on the rocks collected, there is little doubt that most of the rocks are of Archaean age, because of their very dose resemblance to the Archaean of West Greenland. No mineralisation of possible economic value was observed.




How to Cite

Escher, J., & Nielsen, T. (1982). Reconnaissance mapping of the Precambrian rocks between Uivaq (63°03’N) and Bernstorffs Isfjord (63°38’N), South-East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 110, 77–80.